Модульна контрольна робота з англійської мови ІІ курс І семестр
1. Заповніть пропуски артиклями, де це необхідно
......... multimeter or .......... multitester is .......... electronic measuring instrument that combines several functions in one unit. .......... most basic instruments include .......... ammeter, voltmeter, and ohmmeter. Analog multimeters are sometimes referred to as "volt-ohm-meters", abbreviated VOM. Digital multimeters are usually referred to as "digital-multi-meters", abbreviated DMM.
2. Заповніть пропуски прийменниками, де це необхідно
Current in a metal wire
……… solid conductive metal, ……. no external forces applied, there exists a random motion ……. free electrons created ………. the thermal energy that the electrons gain …….. the surrounding medium. When an atom loses a free electron, it acquires a net positive charge. The free electron can move amongst these positive ions, while the positive ions can only oscillate about their mean fixed positions. The free electron is therefore the charge carrier …….. a typical solid conductor. Given an imaginary plane ……….. which the wire passes, the number ………. electrons moving …….one side ……… the other ……. any period ………time is exactly equal …….. the number passing ………the opposite direction.
(of, of, of, through, in, in, in, in, by, to, to, with, from, from )
3 Відкрийте дужки і поставити дієслова у відповідному часі
Ørsted experiments (to discover) the relationship between electricity and magnetism in a very simple experiment.
James Clerk Maxwell (to be) an experimenter with electromagnetic waves and developed the Maxwell equations.
This (to be) because the laws of physics (not to work) in the same way at the level of the extremely small.
But current technology (to reach) its limit.
When you (to start) Yahoo for personal use?
Translate into English using modal verbs
Всі інженери нашого офісу добре володіють англійською мовою
Ви повинні робити домашні завдання вчасно
Студентам дозволили використовувати різні методи в їхній роботі.
a) Compare:
Perconal computer notebook(light, powerful)……………………………………………………………………
b) Translate into English
Моя кімната не та світла, як мого брата………………………………………………………………………
Моя сестра знає англійську краще за мене.……………………………………………………
Чим ближче до Землі, тим атмосфера більш щільна.…………………………………………………………
Translate into Ukrainian
Compared to copper, aluminium has worse conductivity per unit volume, but better conductivity per unit weight. In many cases, weight is more important than volume making aluminium the 'best' conductor material for certain applications. For example, it is commonly used for large-scale power distribution conductors such as overhead power lines. In many such cases, aluminium is used over a steel core that provides much greater tensile strength than would the aluminium alone