Теми для написання рефератів
2 курс
- Computing and society
- Information society
- Computing culture
- Digital Revolution
- Information revolution
- Digital libraries
- Computer law
- Information technology law
- Community informatics
- Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility
- Computer literacy
- Information literacy
- The Digital Humanities
- Computer ethics
- Hacker ethic
- Information ethics
- Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics
- CyberEthics
- Films about computers
- History of personal learning environments
- History of virtual learning environments
- Information ethics
- Infosphere
- Social media
- History of human-computer interaction
- Electronics
- Electronics companies
- Electronics manufacturing
- Electronics and society
- Electronics standards
- Information technology companies
- Information technology education
- People in information technology
- Information industry
- Electricity
Теми для написання рефератів