Grammar : The Present Participle Passive
I. Form nouns from next verbs by addition of suffixes of -turn, -sum, -ion and translate them into Ukrainian:
to include, to continue , to produce, to absorb, to consider, to invent
II. Define, what parts of speech the following words behave to:
mathematics – mathematician, practice – practical – practically, invent - inventor – invention, nature - natural , to equip - equipment, to write - a writer, to work – works – worker, discuss - discussion
III . Read following international words aloud and wordcombinations and translate them without a dictionary: experiment, experimental, experimentator; electric(al), electrician, electricity; technical, technique, technician; react, reaction, reactor; transform, transformation, transformer
1. A digital computer is a machine capable of performing operations on data represented in digital or number form. The individual operations performed by a digital computer are very simple arithmetic or logical processes involving the manipulation of the bits in words or characters of information. The great power of any digital computer rests in the ability to store large volumes of data and to perform these operations at extremely high speed. In most electronic digital computers the method of number representation is based on the system of binary notation. The binary notation system is most widely used because of the convenience in constructing logical circuits and storage devices capable of handling data in this form. For example, a magnetic memory unit consists of many thousand individual magnetic cells, each of which can be energized in either of two ways to represent the binary digits 0 or 1. If these cells are grouped to form words or binary coded characters, information can be stored for processing in units of specified size. In the same way, digital data can be recorded as a series of magnetized spots on a magnetic tape or a magnetic disk. 2. The computer has pervaded most fields of human activity and is the most important innovation of our age. Born out of the technology of communication, it is capable of handling enormous amounts of information at tremendous speeds. What makes it so potent is the fact that a single mechanism can perform any information-processing task. The same mechanism can control industrial processes, guide space vehicles or help to teach children. This diversity of tasks is made possible by the simple idea of the stored program. A program is the enumeration of determining commands. It specifies the method used for the solution of a problem in detail. When the machine is. in operation, both the commands and the numbers to be processed are constantly being taken out of and put into a depository of information known as a memory. It can be seen that the processes performed by a digital computer are essentially simple. These operations can be performed at extremely high speeds and with a high degree of coordination between the different functional units of the hardware system, and this ability means that digital computers can undertake highly complex tasks.
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It is interesting to note that memory, one of the basic components of the computer, is often called storage. It stores calculation program, the calculation formulae, initial data, intermediate and final results. Therefore, the functions of the computer memory may be classified in the following way. Firstly, the computer memory must store the information transmitted from the input and other devices. Secondly, memory should produce the information needed for the computation process to all other devices of the computer. Generally, memory consists of two main parts called the main, primary or internal, memory and the secondary, or external memory. The advantage of the primary memory is an extremely high speed. The secondary memory has a comparatively low speed, but it is capable of storing far greater amount of information than the main memory. The primary storage takes a direct part in the computational process. The secondary storage provides the information necessary for a single step in the sequence of computation steps. The most important performance characteristics of a storage unit are speed, capacity and reliability. Its speed is measured in cycle time. Its capacity is measured by the number of machine words or binary digits. Its reliability is measured by the number of failures (отказ) per unit of time.
План в питальній формі.
1. What is memory?
2. What is the function of memory?
3. What are the main parts of memory?
4. What are advantages and disadvantages of a storage unit?
5. What are their functions?
6. What are performance characteristics of the main and secondary memory?
7. What units are performance characteristics measured by?
План в називній формі
1. The definition of memory.
2. The main functions of memoiy.
3. Classification of memory.
4. Advantages and disadvantages of memory components.
5. The functions of memory components.
6. Performance characteristics of memory.
7. The units for measuring the performance characteristics of memory.
План в тезовій формі.
1. Memory is one of the basic components of the computer.
2. Memory stores initial data, intermediate and final results.
3. It produces the information needed to other devices of the computer.
4. Memory consists of the main (internal) and the secondary (external) storage.
5. The main memory has high speed, but small capacity; the secondary memory possesses lower speed but greater capacity.
6. The main memory performs computation; the secondary memory provides information sequentially, step by step.
7. The performance characteristics — speed, capacity and reliability — are measured by cycles, binary digits and the number of failures per unit of tim
Present Participle Simple (Passive) – утворюється за допомогою допоміжного дієслова to be у формі Present Participle Simple, а саме – being і змістовного дієслова у формі Past Participle (форма із закінченням -ed або III форма).
Present Participle Simple (Passive) - виражає дію, яку відчуває на собі особа або предмет, до якого дієприкметник відноситься, дія, одночасна з дією присудка Негативні форми дієприкметника утворюються постановкою частинки not перед дієприкметником, наприклад: not being read - не прочитаний.
В реченні Present Participle Simple (Passive) виконує функцію означення або обставини
В ролі означення –
The substance being investigated contained some admixtures. Речовина, що досліджується, містила домішки В ролі обставини часу і причини.
Being invited (=As he was invited) to the conference he left for London. Оскільки його запросили на конференцію, він виїхав до Лондона. (будучи запрошеним)
IV. Form Participle I (Simple, Passive) from next verbs and translate them into Ukrainian:
employ, execute, compress, spend , solve, use, built , compress
V. Define the functions of the participles in the following sentences and translate them into Ukrainian:
1. Being unemployed, he hasn't got much money.2.The program being executed is written in assembly language.3.Data being compressed is of great importance to us.4.The vast sums being spent on education enable our state to provide qualified specialists for all branches of industry. 5. Vast sums being spent on education in our country, our state is able to provide qualified specialists for all branches of industry. 6.Technical and scientific problems being solved by our scientists are a great contribution to the development of world science and technology. 7.The metals being used in our work possess many Important properties, such as light weight, corrosion resistance, etc. 8. Being built in a new way modem houses have better facilities.
VІ. Define, what part of speech the words in bold type is. Translate them into Ukrainian:
1. The first cause of weather changes is the variation in the temperature of the atmosphere. 2. In the tropics the weather changes more from day to night than from summer to winter. 3. Change in air pressure is the chief cause of winds. 4. Heating causes chemical changes. 5. Different reactions cause chemical changes. 6. We widely use rubber in combination with other substances. 7. A list of the uses of rubber will occupy many pages. 8. Man widely uses aluminium, a light, easily worked metal.
VIІ. Translate next sentences without a dictionary, paying attention to the words, are formed using the method of conversion.
1. Besides his work Einstein liked most of all playing the violin and boating. 2. He didn't know her likes and dislikes. 3. A small boat couldn't hold so many people. 4. They supply us with all necessary information. 5. Our supplies of fuel have come to an end. 6. When was this ship built? 7. The supplies are shipped to Antarctic Stations in summer. 8. It was a fine day, and many people were boating on the lake. 9. There was no wind and the sails were down
VII. Translate the following sentences into English:
1. Експеримент, що зараз виконується дуже важливий для вирішення цієї проблеми. 2. Тема, що пояснюється зараз, дуже складна 3. Устаткування, що перевіряється, доставлено вчора 4. Матеріали, що використовуються в цьому приладі – не дешеві. 5. Студенти, що тестуються зараз мають шанс вступити в Університет без екзаменів 6. Методи, що використовуються потребують високої кваліфікації дослідника 7. Лабораторна робота, що виконується зараз студентами важлива для подальшого вивчення теми 8. Діаграма, що зараз демонструється на екрані, зображує залежність електропровідності від температури