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Завдання № 3 для самостійного опрацювання під час карантину для груп 365,366,367, 389
Grammar : The Perfect Participle Active

I. Form adjectives from next nouns by addition of suffixes of -ic, -al -ous and translate them into Ukrainian:
Science, cosmos, basis, history, hero, economy, pro­vince, technique
II. Translate into English the following group of words of the same root:
вирішувати (питання) – рішення, відкривати – відкриття, засновувати - засновник –основа, розвивати - разви­ток, досліджувати – дослідження, впливати – вплив, зв'язувати - зв'язок
III. Read following international words aloud and wordcombinations and translate them without a dictionary:
Flag, gentleman, historic, million, locomotive, atmosphere, electric, method , escalator, maximum, transport, signal, automatic, programmer, machine, control, impulse, temperature, platform,
ІV. Define, what part of speech the words in bold type is. Translate them into Ukrainian:
1. It is light in the room. 2. Don't light the lamps! 3. You must test this material. 4. The test-tube is on the table. 5. The boy broke the window. 6. Buy some window glass, please. 7. Give me a glass of milk, please. 8. In the glass test-tube they saw some radium.
V. Read and translate into Ukrainian following wordcombinations
having entered the Institute, having calculated the distance, having developed the speed of 120 km, having introduced new methods of work, having decided to leave the city, having divided the apple into three parts, having installed a new equipment, having obtained the necessary information, having found the new way, having changed behavior, having offered her help, having passed all examinations, having returned home
Floppies Technical details
Information stored in the RAM is lost when the computer is turned off. Because of this, data and applications are stored in either hard or floppy disks which provide a more permanent backing store. Floppy disks are so called because they consist of flexible plastic material which has a magnetizable surface. They are available in two sizes: 5.25-inch disks are used in old computers, 3-5-inch disks are the most popular today. The surface of a floppy disk is divided into concentric circles or 'tracks', which are then divided into 'sectors'. When you insert a blank disk into a disk drive, it must be 'initialized', or formatted, before information can be recorded onto it. This means that magnetic areas are created for each track and sector, along with a catalogue or 'directory' which will record the specific location of files. When you save a file, the operating system moves the read/write heads of the disk drive towards empty sectors records the data and writes an entry for the directory. Later on, when you open that file, the operating system looks for its entry in the directory on the disk, moves the read/write heads to the correct sectors, and reads the file into the RAM area. Disk drive: the electronic mechanism that accepts, reads and writes data on a disk
Hard drives
Before you read Try to answer these questions.
1 What is the main function of a hard disk? 2 Which unit is used to measure hard disk capacity? 3 Can you think of one advantage that hard disks have over floppies?
When buying a hard disk ...
Hard disks have important advantages over floppy disks: they spin at a higher speed, so you can store and retrieve information much faster than with floppies. They can also hold vast amounts of information, from 500 MB up to several gigabytes. Apart from this, both types of disks work in the same way. To directly access the necessary information, the read/write heads of rigid disks seek the required tracks and sectors, and then transfer the information to the main memory of the computer or to another form of storage, all of which is done in a few milliseconds (ms). Bearing in mind that you always need disk storage, it is good sense to ask yourself some vital questions: What size capacity do I need? What speed can I use? What kind of storage device is the most suitable for mvrequirements? If you only use word-processing programs, you will need less storage capacity than if you use CAD, sound and animation programs. For most users, 2 GB on the hard disk is enough. Now let's turn our attention to speed. Access times vary from 8 ms to 20 ms. 'Access time' - or seek time - is the time it takes your read/write heads to find any particular record. You have to distinguish clearly between seek time (e.g. 20 ms) and 'data transfer rate' (the average speed required to transmit data from а disk system to the RAM, e.g. at 20 megabits per second). Remember that the transfer rate also depends on the power of your computer. When buying a hard disk you should consider the kinds of drive mechanisms and products available. There are 'internal' and 'external' drives which are both fixed hard drives, i.e. rigid disks sealed into the drive unit, either within or attached to the computer. A third type of hard drive, known as 'removable', allows information to be recorded on 'cartridges', which can be removed and stored off-line for security purposes. Popular removable hard disks include Jaz and Zip drives. A Jaz cartridge can store up to 2 GB of data, whereas a Zip drive can store up to 250 MB of data. Finally, a few words about 'optical' technology: CD-ROMS and CD-Recordable drives have become a reality. However, magnetic hard disks are still preferred for personal data storage, whereas optical discs are used for recording large amounts of information such as a dictionary or encyclopedia
HELP box • ms: milliseconds (thousandths of a second)
              • CAD: computer-aided design
              • CD-ROM: acronym for Compact Disk -Read Only Memory
A bard disk can bold large amounts of information because it uses multiple disks, or platters, stacked on top of one another
Now read these sentences and decide if they are true (T) or false (F).
1 Hard disks use rigid rotating disks.                                                                                                      [ ]
2 'Seek time' refers to the average time required for the recording heads to move and access data.            [ ]
3 If you use multimedia applications, you need the same storage capacity as required for word processors. [ ]
4 Access time' and "data transfer rate' mean the same.                                                                            [ ]
5 Optical disks are magnetic.                                                                                                                  [ ]
6 Each Jaz cartridge can hold up to 1,000 MB of data.                                                                               [ ]
7 CD-ROM disks are used for storage of massive amounts of information.                                                   [ ]
Check your answers with another student. Vocabulary The phrase hard disk consists of the adjective ard
and the noun disk. Make other phrases or words by combining bard and disk with these words. Give the meaning of each phrase or word in your own language.
(Use your dictionary if necessary.)
A hard disk advertisement Complete the advertisement for the Mega Mind hard disk with the nevt words megabytes drive compatible highest time protection secure write multimedia Mega Mind XT Today's personal computers are very powerful, but to handle large applications like databases, (1)............................, DTP publishing and CAD, you need to have more than 200 (2)............................in your hard disk. That's where Mega Mind XT comes in: a reliable hard (3)............................with 6 gigabytes of capacity; 8 ms average seek (4)............................ and 13 mbits/sec average data transfer rate; and a 3.5" drive unit with a five-year warranty. You also receive software utilities that let you easily manage and (5) ............................ your data. Our software provides formatting, partitions, disk optimization and password (6)............................. Mega Mind XT is (7) ............................ with IBM PCs as well as Macintosh computers. As with every Mega Mind product — hard disk or optical, 1 GB to б GB — the XT gives you the (8) ............................ performance. So call us today on (0181) 796 0402. Or (9) ............................ to Mega Mind, PO Box 673, London, N22 1XB.
Optical disks and drives
Optical disks can store information at much higher densities than magnetic disks. Thus, they are ideal for multimedia applications where images, animation and sound occupy a lot of disk space. Besides, they are not affected by magnetic fields. This means that they are secure and stable, e.g. they can be transported through airport metal detectors without damaging the data. However, optical drives are slower than hard drives. While there are hard drives with an average access time of 8 ms, most CD-ROM drives have an access time of 150 to 200 ms. There are various types of optical drives: • CD-ROM systems offer everything, from shareware programs to dictionaries and encyclopedias, from multimedia databases to 3-D games. A lot of institutions have discovered that CD-ROM is the most economical way of sharing information. In fact, one CD-ROM disk (650 MB) can replace 300,000 pages of text (about 500 floppies), which represents a lot of savings in distributing materials and corporate databases. In addition, CD-ROM drives can play music CDs while you work. Yet CD-ROM technology has one disadvantage: you cannot write anything onto a CD-ROM disk. You can only read" it, like a book. • CD-Recorders come in two different forms: CD-R and CD-RW. CD-R machines record on CD-R (write-once) disks, allowing you to create and duplicate CDs. They are used to back up hard disks or to distribute and archive information. In fect, these systems are the modern version of old WORM (write once, read many) disks. CD-RW machines hold CD-RW (rewritable) disks that you can erase and re-use, just as you would do with hard disk.
Present Participle Perfect (Active) – утворюється за допомогою допоміжного дієслова to have у формі Present Participle Simple, а саме – having і змістовного дієслова у формі Past Participle (форма з -ed або III форма). ( having asked)
Ця форма вживається для вираження дї, передуючій дї, вираженій дієсловом-присудком, і вживається тільки у функцї обставини.
Вролі обставини причини :
Having invented an electric lamp with a carbon fiber , Mister Edison got a patent №223898 and started a company that provided electricity for electric lights for a small price each month.Винайшовши електричну лампу з вуглецевим волокном, містер Едісон отримав патент №223898 і почав компанію, яка забезпечувала електрику для електричних ламп за малою ціною кожного місяця.
Вролі обставини часу,
Having made the measurements the experimenter then processed the data.Після того, як експериментатор провів вимірювання, він обробив дані. Провівши вимірювання, експериментатор потім обра­бив дані.

VI. Define the functions of the participles in the following sentences and translate them into Ukrainian :
1. Having waited for him for half an hour they went home. 2. Having finished our work, we went home. 3. Having already seen the film twice, I didn't want to go to the cinema.. 4. Having made the necessary changes, they got down to business. 5. Having written this program, we solved our problem at last. 6. Having passed all the examinations he left for his native town. 7. Having executed the instruction, the program failed . 8. Having been warmed to 0° (zero) ice began to melt. 9. Having evaluated the data we shall next turn to their interpretation.10. Having given an indication of the methods used in this type of analysis we must now mention some of the earlier results. 11. Having thus established relations of interdependence among physical facts, modern physics tries to interpret these relations.
VII. Read and translate next wordcombinations into English, paying attention on participle
вивчивши іноземну мову, прочитавши цікаву книгу , залишивши книгу вдома, закінчивши інститут, закінчивши роботу, отримавши нову інформацію, побудувавши дорогу, відкривши новий елемент, розв'язавши важливу проблему, отримавши лист
VIII. Transform the sentences using Participle construction:
Model After the experimenter had made many tests he got interesting results.
         Having made many tests, the experimenter got interesting results.
1. After the scientist had finished the research, they made a thorough analysis of the data obtained. 2 . At first the scientist had used all the data available then suggested a new interesting method of analysis. 3. After the experimenter had analysed the properties of the substance he arrived at new valuable conclusions4. V. V. Petrov had carried on many experiments and tests on luminescence and then published many articles on this subject. 5. If the atom has lost some of its electrons it has a posi­tive charge. 6. If you rub many substances they become electri­fied. 7 . The atom has a negative charge if it has acquired an excess of electrons.8 If we have evaluated the data we shall next turn to their interpretation
IX. Translate into English:
1. Вивчивши властивості деяких матеріалів, інженер вибрав ті, які були потрібні для його роботи2. Пояснивши, що таке хімічна реакція, хімік приступив до досвіду.3. Втративши електрон атом водню стає найменшою позитивною частинкою. Ця елементарна позитивна частинка називається протоном 4.. Встановив нове устаткування вчені змогли продовжити дослідження 5. Відкривши новий елемент, П’єр та Марі Кюрі назвали його полонієм на честь Польщі 6. Проводячи досвід, ми підвищили температуру до 98° Ф; підняв температуру, ми прискорили хімічну реакцію
Категорія: Інформація для студентів | Додав: Ольга_Іванівна (23.11.2009)
Переглядів: 1022 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |

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